

BYAKU: mum! play with a string!!

HY: later, BYAKU. your mum is doing homework.

BYAKU: mum is busy...i'm despondent over.

she got tired of waiting for me, and sleeped ;)
sorry, BYAKU. i will play with you after you wake up.


  1. Well Byaku, at leat mom promised to play with you after you wake up!!! Sweet dreamzzzzzzzz

  2. Have a nice nappy. Looks like there is some fun with Mom in your near future.

  3. Ah sweet BYAKU. It is so awful when our mums are busy.. I am sure she will play later..

    Hugs GJ xx

  4. Poor little Byaku! Well, do not worry, you will get to play after your nap. Happy weekend to you!

  5. Hello sweet Byaku, what happened to your sister? =^.^=

  6. After your nap, you will have extra energy for your play. Maybe your sister will play with you until your mum is finished her work. Please tell Haku we say hello.

  7. Byaku, you are so sweet in that photo taking a nap! So beautiful!

  8. Good morning Hy,
    What cute pictures and conversations you and Byaku had over playing. Your kitties seem to be identical. How do you tell one from the other? In answer to your question on my blog.
    Yes I'm on the east coast of the United States in the Southern state of North Carolina. I live in the middle of the the state in what is called the Peidmont (means foot hill). We are about 3 hours from the Atlantic Ocean and about 3 hours from the North Carolina mountains. It is the only place I have ever lived. Madi and I look forward to hearing from you again. Madi and Mom (Cecilia)

  9. Poor BYAKU! You got tired waiting for a long time =(
    But don't worry that his mother will play with you =)

  10. Hello! I like your blog and I looove your beautiful two cats! They are adorable!
    Greets from Norway!

  11. You are playing so lovely :)
    Great pictures all !!!
    Kareltje =^.^=

  12. We came over from Poppy Q's blog. Nice to meet you Byaku. We hope your mum did find time to play with you.

    Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie and Mike

  13. aww, how sad that your mom had homework and could not play. i would have made you a priority. next time go sit on her homework so she is forced to pet you!
